Explore Me a Story Classes - Come and experience our wonderful mindful nature preschool through our weekly EMAS classes

Sessions are for one hour and begin with a fabulous, imaginative and fun Music, Singing & Movement segment which lasts for around 15 minutes.  This fully interactive music/singing session covers a range of traditional, modern & original Joanna songs and rhymes accompanied by a variety of props including puppets, ribbons, scarves, percussion instruments and rhythm sticks.  

We express ourselves and shine our lights!

Write here...


This is followed by a Messy Art/Play/Exploration segment (based on the weekly book theme) that can take your child in all sorts of directions - from everything sensory - texture tubs (soil, seeds, rocks, sand), foam, play-dough, slime, to water play,  painting and printing....and often a combination of these activities...experimenting and discovery is our speciality!  We express ourselves and shine our lights!

And finally, to finish off the class we will wind down with a wonderful story and a well-earned snack!

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PICTURE BOOKS fire young children's imaginations and creative play.  They support developing literacies and above all they are entertaining, fun and enjoyable which is the key to learning.   Picture books are not just a cute story with some pretty illustrations, they are the doorway to your child's journey of learning, discovery and creativity.  They support the development of your child's language, literacy, comprehension and social skills.  Always remember that when you share a picture book with your child, you are giving them more than just a story, you are opening up their world to infinite possibilities.  That is why the story time segment of our hour is so important.  

For each session we have made links between our music and sensory activities and picture books and present them as a general theme.   Please let me know if you have any favorite books you would like to bring to life for your children.

‘Explore Me A Story’ songs and rhymes are chosen to support the children’s language and mathematical development through rhythm & rhyme, and their physical development through movement and actions.

I make sure children have access to a wide range of resources to manipulate and enjoy during each segment of the class.  Ribbons, scarves, instruments & rhythm sticks during the music session encourage the children to move freely and interpret the music or song in their own way.  The action songs allow the children to use their kinesthetic memory to remember the words to the song, developing their confidence and language skills.  Over the weeks children’s confidence grows and their ability to communicate develops and becomes more sophisticated.

During the sessions, children will experience turn taking, sharing and compromising whilst playing alongside, or with other children.   These are valuable and sometimes challenging experiences that may need your sensitive help and support.  Together we can provide a supportive and creative environment for your children to flourish and be themselves! 

Class Safety
If your child has any allergies or dietary requirements, please include this on your registration form on your first visit so that your child’s needs can be accommodated.

Smocks/aprons will be provided for the children but please ensure that your child wears old clothing so they can get stuck into the messy activities!  

All paint & glue used at ‘Explore Me A Story’ are non-toxic and do not contain the following common allergens: 

  • latex

  • dairy & casein

  • egg

  • gluten

  • peanut & tree oil

  • soy

All paints & glue are washable.  However, occasionally items such as crepe paper may not be color fast and could therefore mark clothing.  It is advisable that adults may also want to wear clothes that will withstand little messy hand prints and brush strokes!  

Some babies of 6 months and older will try to put the art materials in their mouths.  This is a natural learning process for babies but obviously there are materials that would not be good for them to put in their mouths like salty playdough!  All children, but especially babies will need close adult supervision at all times.  

The art area will be set up with materials at floor level and on tables enabling children of all ages to access to the activities.  It is important to support your child while navigating the art room and activities.

Instruments & scarves etc are washed after each session so they are fresh and clean ready for our next fantabulous session!!!